This reporting system is not for making general complaints. If you would like to make a complaint please click for further advice https://www.buckingham.ac.uk/about/handbooks/regulations-handbook/
Letting us know you need help is perfectly normal and we believe all of our team should be able to talk freely about their mental health and wellbeing. 

If you’re worried about your mental health and wellbeing there are a number of things you can do: 

  1. Talk
  2. Report
  3. Get support

Talk -

If there’s a friend, family member or colleague that you can trust, talking things through with them can sometimes help.

You can also reach out to our mental wellbeing advisor for a confidential chat on 01280 820200 or book a triage appointment   

If you are in immediate danger or seriously injured, you can call 999 (or 112 from a mobile) or contact NHS 111 for advice.  

 Staff will be offered free confidential  help via HR and the EAP (Employee Assist Program) Spectrum Life. 

Report - 

You can make an anonymous disclosure which will allow us to investigate mental wellbeing concerns in particular areas of the company.

Get support - 

If you want to talk to someone to be provided with support please contact wellbeingskillsanddiversity@buckingham.ac.uk for advice.

Call Security at Buckingham 07860834802 or at Crewe 01270 353131 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened